Comedy and Humor in the Classroom

Price: 0,00 

Course Details

Duration 15 hours
Course Category Classroom management, Creativity and soft skills
Publication date 2023

Course description

Teaching can often become tedious for both students and teachers. But how can we make our lessons more engaging and enjoyable for everyone involved?

The answer lies in comedy and humor, which have the ability to bring people together through shared laughter.

As Edward de Bono once said, “Humor is by far the most significant activity of the human brain.”
While it can be hard to define, we all recognize it when we see or hear it.

Comedy can be used in various ways, such as a therapeutic tool, social icebreaker, or engagement tool within the classroom.

There are multiple types of comedy, including situational comedy, dark comedy, and physical comedy, which can be recognized and implemented into our everyday social interactions.

The LOL Project offers modules such as joke structure, the origins of stand-up comedy, and meme humor, helping teachers recognize the importance of humor within education. Bringing a sense of humor into the classroom is more beneficial than you might think.

The course includes videos, interactive resources, and references for further exploration, to provide educators with the right tools to make their lessons more fun and engaging for their students.


History of Humor and Comedy

  • Basic Joke Structure and Reasons for Laughter
  • A Brief Theory of “Funny” From Aristotle to Contemporary Studies
  • Comedy Classics

The Stand-up and Contemporary Comedy

  • The Origins of Stand-Up Comedy
  • The Evolution of Stand Up and the Controversies
  • Contemporary Comedy and the Cultural Impact

The Audience

  • Time Management and Engagement

Humor in Everyday Life

  • How Does Humor Engage Our Brain?
  • Humor & Comedy in Advertising
  • Social Media and Meme Humor
  • The Dark Side of Jokes (Boundaries in Different Contexts)

Humor’s Techniques

  • How to Integrate Jokes and Humor in an Educational Setting
  • Improv Techniques and How to React to Your Audience

Practical Exercises on Humor and Comedy Writing

  • Make your Audience LOL
  • Becoming the Author of Your Favorite Comedy Show

Learning Out Loud Project Nr. KA220-ADU-BE6A5DA9