Online Courses
for Teachers
Deepen your teaching knowledge
with 40+ MOOCs led by expert trainers.

Frequently asked questions
Depending on the course you will find presentations, videos, quizzes or other resources
At the end of the course, you will receive a certificate of completion.
Yes, please write us and we will provide you with the necessary information.
Yes, absolutely. You have up to 14 days to ask for your money back.
By Europass Teacher Academy
All our online courses are designed by the same expert trainers who lead our high-quality Erasmus+ teacher training programs. These courses are built on the extensive experience gained from training over 25,000 European teachers annually.
9.4/10 on 31.000 verified reviews
since 1992
5’000 partner schools
200 trainers
Request information about these courses

Other websites for Teachers

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Partner with us to design unforgettable educational experiences abroad for your students

Erasmus Courses for Teachers
Join the leading professional development network for educators in Europe, with over 2,500 training sessions available each year

Erasmus+ Partnerships Platform
A community platform developed to facilitate connections between schools and organizations