Elementary English Course for Teachers (Focus on Grammar)

Price: 20,00 

Course Details

Teacher Trainer Cristina Salvatori
Course Category Languages and CLIL
Duration 5 hours
Certificate Europass Course Certificate
Publication date 2021

Course description

In this Elementary English course, you will go through the basic topics of the English language, making sure to reinforce your grammar knowledge and clear every doubt.

Our experienced teachers have selected the topics making sure to create a useful and relevant curriculum. We want to make sure that you use your study time with things that will really improve your English and take it to the next level.

Every lesson is composed of a video that explains in detail (and with many examples) a different grammar topic. Throughout the course, you will find many pages of exercises selected especially to reinforce the grammar points and to practice your abilities, and improve your vocabulary.

All the exercises come with solutions, so you will be completely independent in correcting everything and you will always be able to proceed at your own time and rewatch the explanation if you are not satisfied with the results of the exercises!

Course structure

1. Present simple

1.1 Present simple
1.2 Adverbs and Expression of frequency
1.3 Be and Have

2. Articles and Plurals

2.1 Articles and Plurals
2.2 Nouns

3. Present continuous

3.1 Present continuous

4. Present simple vs Present continuous

4.1 Present simple vs Present continuous

5. Past simple

5.1 Past simple, to be
5.2 Past simple, regular verbs
5.3 past simple-irregular verbs

6. Adjectives

6.1 Adjectives
6.2 Comparatives and Superlatives

7. Possession

7.1 Possession
7.2 Possessive adjectives and pronouns
7.3 Whose and Possessive ‘s

8. Past continuous

8.1 Past continuous

9. Personal pronouns

9.1 Personal pronouns

10. Present perfect

10.1 Present perfect

11. Gerund, Infinitive

11.1 Gerund, Infinitive

12. Can

12.1 Can-can’t
12.2 Can-could-be able to

13. Modals

13.1 Modals

14. Future with will

14.1 Future with will

15. Phrasal verbs

15.1 Phrasal verbs

16. Word formation

16.1 Word formation (compounds, abbreviations)
16.2 Word formation (prefixes, suffixes)


-How do I know which course is right for me?

You can take our English test for teachers that will suggest to you the best option based on your current knowledge

-When can I take this course?

The content of this course is completely recorded and intended for you to use at your time. You can rewatch the lesson every time you want, and you can correct your own exercises.

-I am already studying English, can I take this course?

Yes, whether you are attending private lessons, online courses, or interactive platforms and apps, this course is a great companion in your English language learning, because you will have important grammar points explained with many examples by our experienced teachers. Always ready for you to watch.