Entrepreneurship in the Class: From PBL to Financial Literacy

Price: 30,00 

Course Details

Teacher Trainer Vladimir Široki
Course Category Classroom management
Duration Approx. 5 hours
Certificate Europass Course Certificate
Publication date 2020

Course description

In this self-paced online course, you will learn about the basic characteristics and importance of entrepreneurship competence.

Although the name comes from business and economics, entrepreneurship is an inevitable part of the 21st-century curriculum and is based on a set of knowledge, skills, and attitudes that lead to creative processes, with a significant cultural, social and financial value.

In the course, we will explain the core terminology and provide theoretical background, but the main focus will be on practical ideas and hands-on experience.

This course is intended for all teachers (from beginners to those with more experience) who teach different subjects at both primary- and secondary-school levels. You will learn about the concept of financial literacy and how to strengthen the entrepreneurship competence of your students through project-based learning.

Entrepreneurship goes beyond – we will also learn how to set up projects and activities that incorporate more subjects and teachers at school, which can be implemented in the local community.

Let’s enter the world of entrepreneurship and discover its advantages from the abacus to the business plan.

Course structure

Topic 1. Introduction to Entrepreneurship Competence

What is entrepreneurship? What is the most common misconception of this competence?

Topic 2. Financial Literacy

In this module, you will learn how to recognize your role in helping your students achieve financial literacy, regardless of the subject you teach. Here we will learn how to incorporate topics and problems concerning financial literacy in the syllabus of your subject.

Topic 3. Entrepreneurship and PBL

In this module, you will discover a bunch of ideas on how to apply PBL, as an effective instructional strategy, in strengthening entrepreneurship competence.

Topic 4. Entrepreneurship as a cross-curricular activity

In the previous modules, we have focused on entrepreneurship within our subject. In this module, we will look at some examples of how to engage students at the school level, and beyond, within their local co

Topic 5. Legal aspects of entrepreneurship

Rules are around us. In this module, you will learn what legal and ethical conventions you need to bear in mind while working on entrepreneurship with your students.

Topic 6. Conclusions